We are happy to be able to share the first pictures of our brand new RIO xR3 IoT Telemetry & Remote Network Supervisory Modules.
Equipped with highly integrated multi-processor cores, it delivers optimal performance for every job. It is light weight, compact, powerful, yet energy-efficient. The xR3 can be run off the local DC supply or AC/mains.
An on-board backup battery and intelligent charger allow operations even in challenging conditions. By integrating all features in one unit, you can rest assured you will always be in the know. Monitoring scattered sites is finally independent of the local power grid. And your alarms will make it – even if the power goes out.
More than 25 years of experience have been poured into the design of the xR3. It performs alarms supervision, automation control and environmental monitoring – while gathering data from all your MODBUS devices.
The integrated OneWire bus port supports up to eight Optima enviroSENSORS. Perfect to capture demanding multi-point temperature, humidity and air-flow readings – whether in server rooms or far off places.
The front of the unit holds all the IO and power connectors:
The Achilles’ heel of most low I/O count devices is: you tend to run out of the type of IO you need the most. We bypassed that – by implementing hybrid inputs. Software switchable to be either discrete contact or analog inputs. Individually, with custom thresholds.
In DCI mode, they are biased with 12Vdc and can either be triggered by a positive or negative voltage. Or simply by switching to ground. And all inputs feature an ultra-wide -60Vdc to +60Vdc operating range. Great flexibility, thanks to our hybrid inputs.
The back panel provides access to the SIM/SD cards, LAN/WAN interfaces, antennas and user buttons:
We are currently busy with the final assembly and testing. The first batch is destined to go out to customer field trials within days. Our priority is to get these units ready and into the hands of our eager customers as quickly as possible.
A more in-depth look at these very compact units with their many connectivity features will follow soon.
Optima Tele.com, Inc.